About Us

About Us

Connecting Society, It’s all
about our Safety.

At Safety Learners and Consultants, we are passionate about fostering a culture of safety, empowerment, and continuous improvement. Our mission is to equip individuals and organizations with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to create safer work environments, prevent accidents, and protect lives.

With a team of dedicated safety professionals and consultants, NoBoSh Safety is committed to delivering comprehensive and tailored safety solutions for various industries. Our expertise spans hazard awareness, risk assessment, regulatory compliance, emergency preparedness, and more. We understand that each workplace is unique, and our services are designed to address the specific challenges and needs of your organization.

Why Choose  Safety Learners and Consultants?

  • Expertise: Our team comprises seasoned safety professionals with a deep understanding of industry-specific challenges and regulations.
  • Tailored Solutions: We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all. Our services are customized to your industry, needs, and goals.
  • Practical Knowledge: We provide actionable insights and practical skills that participants can immediately apply in their workplaces.
  • Holistic Approach: We address safety from multiple angles, considering hazard identification, risk assessment, communication strategies, and more.
  • Continuous Learning: Safety is an ongoing journey. We encourage a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring that your organization stays up-to-date with the latest safety practices.

Our Commitment

Safety is not just a checkbox—it’s a commitment to the well-being of your workforce and the sustainability of your business. Safety Learners and Consultants is here to guide you every step of the way. Whether you’re looking to enhance your safety culture, comply with regulations, or develop safety leadership skills, we’re dedicated to supporting your organization’s safety goals.

Join us on the path to a safer, healthier, and more productive workplace. Contact us today to learn how Safety Learners and Consultants can make a positive difference for your organization.

Our Approach

We believe that safety is not just a requirement but a mindset. Our approach is rooted in the principles of engagement, education, and empowerment. Through interactive workshops, personalized consultations, and innovative training methods, we empower individuals at all levels to take ownership of safety within their roles. By fostering a culture of safety, we aim to inspire proactive behaviors and decision-making that contribute to accident prevention and overall well-being.


6 Years of

Safety Experience

About us

We deal with the aspects of
professional Safety Courses

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Experience Staff 92%
Administration 82%
Safety Courses 100%
Practical 90%


Job Occuppied


Happy Students


Worldwide Students


Best Results